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Shipping Policy

Clearly outline your shipping methods, estimated delivery times, and any additional charges or restrictions. Include information on how long it takes to process orders before shipping, how international orders are handled (if applicable), and any tracking options available. Be transparent about any potential delays or issues that may arise during shipping.

Privacy Policy

Protect your customers' personal information by outlining how you collect, use, and store their data. This includes information such as what data you collect (e.g., name, address, email), how you use it (e.g., for order processing, marketing), and how you protect it from unauthorized access. Clarify whether you share customer data with third parties (e.g., payment processors, shipping companies) and provide opt-out options for marketing communications.

Terms of Service

Define the terms and conditions that govern the use of your website and the purchase of products from your store. Include details on customer responsibilities, payment terms, intellectual property rights, and limitations of liability. Address issues such as product availability, pricing errors, and website usage. Ensure that your terms of service are legally binding and enforceable.